Power Bench Press

Every one of us who is a fitness fanatic wants a more significant bench press. People ask what someone’s bench is… But this question should not be your reason for improving your chest strength. An idea should be a desire

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The squat is one of the most fundamental movements out there. The very next thing we did, when we started walking is squat. As we got older, we may have lost our ability to do this movement. Anatomy of leg

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Experience Yoga

Yoga can really change your life for the better. I know there are a lot of variations of yoga and it can get confusing from 0 to 100 real quick. Let’s simplify.   My experience of yoga I believe yoga

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How to lose weight?

Hey there. Wondering how to lose weight? Are you frustrated because you have failed way too many times to keep off that excess weight? I feel you, been there done that. I know it seems impossible at the moment, but

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Handstand 101: Beginner’s Mastery Guide

Hey there! Upside down, welcoming to the perfect handstand. Walking on the legs is overrated, so let us start walking on our hands. Handstand is always fun, exciting, and it challenges us in a different way than weights in the

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hyperplasia vs hypertrophy

Hyperplasia vs Hypertrophy

Gaining body fat is, in most cases, undesirable. It doesn’t look appealing, and it weighs us down, slowing our performance. In some cases, it even causes illnesses that are associated with obesity. In this article, we will touch on how

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